Sales Tools

Pipedrive Alternatives

Sellizer is a free-to-try Pipedrive alternative that can track and analyse your proposals. Sellizer is a comprehensive sales supporting tool that will notify you when a customer opens your proposal and provide key statistics that you and your sales team need.

Sellizer increases your and your sales team selling chances with their own internal analytic system based on AI technology.

Differences between Pipedrive and

Sellizer Pipedrive
E-mail openness notification ✔️ ✔️
E-mail notifications for each opening of an offer ✔️
SMS notifications when an offer is first open ✔️
Automatic follow-ups (like a human) ✔️
Real-time statistics ✔️
Sales proposals analytics ✔️
Automatic sales reports ✔️ ✔️
Machine learning ✔️ ✔️
Personalized proposals ✔️
Sales team management ✔️ ✔️
Proposals statuses ✔️ ✔️
Integrations ✔️ ✔️
JavaScript code support ✔️
Bulk sending ✔️ ✔️
Sending automation ✔️ ✔️
Lead nurturing ✔️ ✔️
Prices (range) month / 1 user $4.15~30.30 $18.40~121.46

Pipedrive is a sales management tool for small teams with big ambitions. It visualises your sales pipeline and helps to make sure important activities and conversations won’t get dropped. Salespeople really like it because it’s easy to use and intuitive. And managers like it because they don’t need to nag their team to use their CRM.

Pipedrive key features:

  • Contact & Account Management
  • Opportunity & Pipeline Mgmt.
  • Task / Activity Management
  • Territory & Quota Management
  • Product & Price List Management
  • Quote & Order Management
  • Customer Contract Management

Pipedrive alternative – what’s the same with Sellizer

  • Contacts (CRM feature)
  • Lead Management
  • Email Marketing

What Pipedrive is missing – what has Sellizer

  • Lack of automatic follow-ups
  • Lack of SMS notifications
  • Lack of Bulk sending features and JS code implementation
  • Sellizer is based on Machine Learning technology

Pipedrive vs Sellizer

You can get up and running with this Pipedrive in just a few minutes. Name your pipeline stages according to your sales process, fill it up with deals, and start drag and dropping towards “won”.

Sellizer is a comprehensive proposal tracking software.  Extensive analytics allow you to track how long they were reading the offer, on which pages they spent the most time, which elements they skipped, if they shared the content with someone or if they printed it. It will help you customize the proposal accordingly and lead the discussion.

Thanks to Sellizer, I know which parts of my proposals are the most interesting for my customers – it gives me great basis to start a valuable conversation. I can also contact with clients in the best time – when they have my proposal right in front of them. Such combination made it so much easier for me to sell projects

Damian Rams (Digital Analytics Consultant)

What makes Sellizer a great Pipedrive alternative?


If you need automated follow ups and focusing more on converting leads into paying customers with AI automation tools choose Sellizer.

Easy to use

Sellizer is the most user-friendly app available on the market. With, just a few simple clicks, you can launch your first proposal with automated tracking system.

Proposals’ analytics

Sellizer provides you with the essential data that will help to improve your proposals’ effectiveness. Use it to increase selling chances.


You can try Sellizer for free for 14 days. No commitments. No credit card.

Why switch from Pipedrive to Sellizer?

Don’t wait for the competition to take over your customers.
Improve your sales process with Sellizer – proposal tracking software you actually use.

Marcin Zaborowski, CEO at

By Pawel

A big fan of Internet Marketing who enjoys Automation Tools. His mission is to help small and medium-sized companies manage and advertise their businesses using the best (and fancy) methods.

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